Class 8 Maths Chapter 4 Note - Practical Geometry


A quadrilateral is a polygon that has 2 diagonals, 4 sides, and 4 vertices that make 4 angles. The sum of all the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360°. Square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram and kite are special types of quadrilaterals.

A quadrilateral can be constructed when 5 of its measurements are given. We should first draw a rough sketch to get an idea of the construction steps. Let us see the different criteria.

Four Sides, One Diagonal

Let’s look at an example to understand the construction.
Construct a quadrilateral PQRS in which PQ = 6 cm, QR = 5 cm, RS = 4 cm, PS = 5.2 cm and diagonal PR = 7 cm.

Steps of Construction

● Draw PQ = 6 cm.
● Taking P as the centre and radius equal to 7 cm, draw an arc.
● Taking Q as the centre and radius equal to 5 cm, draw another arc intersecting the previous arc at R.
● Join QR and PR.
● Taking P as the centre, and radius equal to 5.2 cm, draw an arc.
● Taking R as the centre and radius equal to 4 cm, draw another arc intersecting the previous arc at S.
● Join PS and RS.

PQRS is the required quadrilateral.
four sides one diagonal

Three Sides, Two Diagonals

We will understand the steps of construction with the help of an example.
Construct a quadrilateral ABCD in which AB = 5 cm, BC = 4 cm, AD = 3.8 cm, diagonal AC = 5.8 cm and diagonal BD = 6.1 cm.

Steps of Construction

● Draw AB = 5 cm.
● Taking A as the centre and radius equal to 5.8 cm, draw an arc.
● Taking B as the centre and radius equal to 4 cm, draw another arc intersecting the previous arc at C.
● Join BC and AC.
● Taking A as the centre, and radius equal to 3.8 cm, draw an arc.
● Taking B as the centre, and radius equal to 6.1 cm draw another arc, intersecting the previous arc at D.
● Join AD and CD.

ABCD is the required quadrilateral.
three sides two diagonal

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Three Sides, Two Included Angles

Construct a quadrilateral MNOL such that MN = 6.2 cm, NO = 8 cm, LM = 5 cm, ∠M = 120° and ∠N = 90°.

Steps of Construction

● Draw the side MN of length 6.2 cm.
● At point M, draw an angle of 120°.
● At point N, draw an angle of 90°.
● By taking 8 cm as the radius and N as the centre, draw an arc and mark the point as O on the line of 90°.
● By taking 5 cm as the radius and M as the centre, draw an arc and mark the point as L on the line of 120°.
● Join points L and O.

MNOL is the required quadrilateral.
three sides two included angles

Three Angles, Two Adjacent Sides

Construct a quadrilateral ABCD such that AB = 5 cm, BC = 4.9 cm, ∠A = 75°, ∠B = 120°, ∠C = 90°.

Steps of Construction

● Draw side AB of length 5 cm.
● At point A, we draw an angle of 75°.
● At point B, we draw an angle of 120° and extend it till point X.
● By taking 4.9 cm as the radius and B as the centre, draw an arc and where the line OX and the arcs intersect, mark the point as C.
● At point C, we draw an angle of 90° and extend it till point Y.
● Mark point D where the lines from point A and C intersect each other.

ABCD is the required quadrilateral.
three angles two adjacent angles
Let's move to the construction of the special quadrilaterals.

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A square can be constructed if one of its sides is given.

Let us construct a square PQRS of side 4 cm.

In a square, all sides are equal, PQ = QR = RS = PS = 4 cm. All angles are right angles, ∠P = ∠Q = ∠R = ∠S = 90°.

Steps of Construction

● Draw side PQ of length 4 cm.
● At point P, we draw an angle of 90°.
● At point Q, we draw an angle of 90°.
● By taking 4 cm as the radius and P as the centre, draw an arc and mark the point as S.
● By taking 4 cm as the radius and Q as the centre, draw an arc and mark the point as R.
● Join the points S and R.

PQRS is the required square.
Let's move to the construction of rhombus.


A rhombus has four equal sides, opposite angles of equal measure and with diagonals bisecting each other at the right angles.

Let us construct a rhombus ABCD where diagonals BD = 5 cm and AC = 6 cm.

In a rhombus, the diagonals bisect each other at 90°. That is, diagonal BD is the perpendicular bisector of AC and vice-versa.

Let O be the midpoint of BD and AC. Therefore, OD = OB = 2.5 cm.

Steps of Construction

● Draw the diagonal AC = 6 cm.
● Draw perpendicular bisector of AC. With A as the centre, draw an arc on top and bottom of AC with a radius of more than half of the length of AC. With C as the centre and the same radius, draw an arc on top and bottom of AC intersecting the previous arcs.
● Join the points of arcs of the top and bottom of AC. Where this perpendicular bisector meets AC, mark it as point O.
● With O as the centre and radius of 2.5 cm, mark two arcs on perpendicular bisector opposite to each other. Label the points as B and D.
● Join AB, BC, CD, and DA.

ABCD is the required rhombus.

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